24 February 2014

Broomstick Lace

I've added yet another infinity scarf added to my collection! I learned about the broomstick lace stitch last year, but did not have a broomstick or anything of the same size handy until recently. I used this pattern and just kept going...

and going...and going...until I finished the entire skein. which is not what I was supposed to do. which means I have a REALLY long infinity scarf that needs to be wrapped three times to fit properly >.< 

Thanks to my wonderful friend D who let me stop by whenever and let me use her broomstick :D

01 February 2014

All Ends Whale

I started making whale printed PJ shorts a long time ago, but I felt I cut them too short so the project was tossed to the side until I found my solution: lace!

 Whales and fishies!! 

Adding the lace...

I've started putting little tags on clothes I make :)

Finished product!! It only took...half a year >.<